Labels:bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper OCR: Having labored for nearly twenty years in the sacred and somewhat claus trophobic halls f academe it came as something f a shock in the mid 1980s to find that somethingl had written had captured nat only the imagination f f colleagues outside my field ofart history but also that of a large segment f the public Ir fact recognition initially came from people in the sciences than from my fellow ar historians was my "fifteer minutes' celebrity status that Warhol had predicted for ordinary individuals in aur media -saturated saciety Of course was fortunate in my choice of subjects: I had achieved this sta- tus attaching myself to perhaps the mast well-] known artist in history and to his popular signature work The Starry Nigh. Had made AL discovery in the context af say Eugene Boch' major pictu ...